A page dedicated to all the updates made to the website and general devlog :3
(written as MM/DD/YYYY)
A page dedicated to all the updates made to the website and general devlog :3
(written as MM/DD/YYYY)
03/07/2025 - Birthday and First Entry! -->
Happy Birthday to me! :D on this very day let it be known that I got older. But also, let it be known that this is the very first official update to the website! That is, arguably, much cooler. I haven't added much over the last few days, to be quite honest, but I also have very little HTML and CSS experience xD. Ohh well, we all start somewhere, right? Besides, I've been getting help from my much more experienced friends (thanks y'all <3). Anyways, below you'll the actual updates I made :)
> Added this very Updates page today
> Added a link to the Blackmage Shrine, but it still needs... uhh... everything that makes a shrine
03/08/2025 - Added one cool image as a link :) -->
Today I did one thing. It took literally all day and a few hours break. My friends and I, with a collective 12 years of CompSci education, have managed to make a link that changes images when you hover over it. If anyone is hiring, we ARE available. All 1 (one) of the updates are below.
> Changed the Blackmage Shrine's link to be two images that change when hovered over. (I also sneakily updated the shrine itself... It's still empty tho...)
03/09/2025 - Extra Icons -->
Added extra icons for my friends' websites! (except for Jesse's I'm sorry Jesse do NOT be mad, I just use schlopware) Anyways, nothing too big was added, but the little stuff adds up, you know? Updates are below
> Added two new icons for my friends' websites, the Fox Den and Site-420
> Added a "BACK" button to the Blackmage Shrine (I promise I'll add stuff to it soon)
> Secretly added a favicon
03/10/2025 - Yet more icons -->
Added icons for this very page, the Slackintosh, andddd I got the webring working :3 (ty Effie). Very slow day for me today to be pretty honest. I was super tired through most of it. Either way my future plans for the site include replacing the big white boxes on the main page with something fancier, updating the shrines, and something secret hehehe >:3 Updates listed below, as always.
> Added icons for the Slackintosh, the Updates page, and the webring.
> Also got the webring to work how it's supposed to.
> Secretly updated the formatting of the updates page, and added a back button
03/11/2025 - Updated Blackmage Shrine -->
Today's update was focussed entirely on the shrine. I told y'all I'd update it. Special thanks to Effie and Jesse for helping out with the JavaScript. That shit is still esoteric as fuck to me not gonna lie, but at least it works. It still lacks any animations, and only has one photo for now, but we're just getting started >:3 Updates below.
> Added a somewhat interactive battle screen to the Blackmage shrine
> Added a photo to the Blackmage Shrine
It looks like so little when written down... That stuff took all day!